目录 | 《外国文学研究》2023年第5期
Paul Patton | Deleuze, Marx and Literature
罗伯特·塔利 著 方英 译 | 马克思主义与文学空间研究
魏天无 | 《共产党宣言》的诗意、诗性语言与反讽
肖 祥 | “阶级”视角的变迁与文化研究的发展
张 剑 | 威廉·燕卜荪“中国作品”中的抗日战争叙事
冯新华 | 论唐纳德·金的文明互鉴思想
郭英杰 | 《诗章》对《神曲》的互文式书写
余玉萍 | 《天体》地方书写中的文学景观
朱春发 | 帕慕克《瘟疫之夜》中的地图叙事及其观看之道
石 琳 | 蒙格·贝迪《残酷的城市》中的“双重批判”
张若一 | 长老政治的幽灵:希伯来先知文学中的占卜书写
邹 理 | 反体系运动与新世纪美国世界文学思潮中的文化共同体构建
石 婕 | 声音的“智力游戏”——格特鲁德·斯泰因肖像诗歌中的语言诗学
李 尧 | 拉塞尔《约翰·霍德沃兹》中的风景与英国民族身份认同
綦 亮 | 追寻“批评”的意义——评《20 世纪非裔美国文学批评研究》
万 娜 | 中国马克思主义文学批评话语体系的丰富和拓展—— “马克思主义文学批评的中国形态研究丛书”发布会在汉举行
Vol.45, No.5 October.2023
Dialogue between Chinese and Foreign Scholars: Recasting and Contemporary Development of Marxist Literary Criticism
Paul Patton | Deleuze, Marx and Literature
By Robert Tally Jr. Trans. Fang Ying | Marxism and Spatial Literary Studies
Wei Tianwu | Poeticality, Poetic Language and Irony in The Communist Manifesto
Xiao Xiang | The Transference of Class Perspective and the Development of Cultural Studies
The Exchange and Mutual Learning in World Literature
Zhang Jian | The Anti-Japanese War Narrative in William Empson’s “China Works”
Feng Xinhua | Donald Keene’s Idea about Mutual Learning among Civilizations
Guo Yingjie | The Intertextual Writing of La Divina Commedia in The Cantos
Studies on the Literature of the Nations along the “Belt and Road”
Yu Yuping | The Literary Landscapes Embedded in the Place Writing of Celestial Bodies
Zhu Chunfan | Map Narrative and Ways of Viewing in Pamuk’s Nights of Plague
Shi Lin | Mongo Beti’s “Dual Criticism” in Ville Cruelle
Zhang Ruoyi | The Phantom of Elders Politics: Divinatory Writing in Hebrew Prophetic Literature
English and American Literature Studies
Zou Li | The Anti-System Movement and the Construction of Cultural Community in the 21st-Century American Theory of World Literature
Shi Jie | “Intellectual Recreation” of Sound: Language Poetics in Gertrude Stein’s Portrait Poems
Li Yao | Landscape and the British National Identity in Russell’s John Holdsworth
Criticism and Review
Qi Liang | Searching for the Meaning of “Criticism”: A Review of A Study of the 20th-Century African American Literary Criticism
Wan Na | Cultivating and Expanding the Chinese Discourse of Marxist Literary Criticism: The Launch for “The Book Series on the Study of the Chinese Approach to Marxist Literary Criticism” in Wuhan
会议日程 | 第三届“文学与教育跨学科研究”学术研讨会暨(中国)中外语言文化比较学会文学教育研究专业委员会2023年年会